The Closet. Mac OS

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If your Mac previously had the macOS Sierra 10.12.4 version of the OS or a later version, you can also use the Shift + Option + Command + R combination once you start the computer (press and hold the mentioned buttons) instead of the two previous combinations to make macOS Recovery install the OS version that was originally on your Mac when you. The Control Strip was initially released in 1994 with the PowerBook 500 series of notebook computers and the PowerBook Duo 280 subnotebook computers, at that point shipping with System 7.1.Later on it was made available to desktop and portable Macintosh computers, beginning with System 7.5.3. Apple removed Control Strip in 2001 as a consequence of its move to Mac OS X. Apricity OS may not be exactly like macOS but it does have a slightly similar feel. Its GNOME based clean user interface and beautiful icon themes make it a stunning looking Linux distribution. MacOS lookalike or not, if one day you want to switch to the ‘Arch domain', do consider Apricity OS among your options. ‎Access your closet on the go! Plan ahead and create outfits for events and day to day life. Use the calendar to keep track of WHAT you wore WHEN and WHERE. Prepare a packing list for your next trip from anywhere! Share your outfit with friends before heading out to prevent 'double vision';) Cl.

Macintosh computers come with macOS, but can easily install Windows on them with Apple's built-in Boot Camp feature. We are not talking about a military training camp for new recruits, at least that is what I thought the first time I heard the name. Boot Camp is a multi boot utility built-in Apple's macOS to help users in installing Windows operating systems.


We recommend this option because there is no need to partition your hard drive. We also assume you love your Mac OS and probably have applications you frequently use. Please be sure you have at least 8GB of RAM for Pro100 to run smoothly. This is simply because you will be assigning resources. We can get into details once you make that decision. Identify your MacBook Pro models at Apple's website.

What do I need?

  1. Back up, back up, back up. We cannot stress this any better. Disasters are bound to happen with computers. Again, Apple has instructions on how to do this on their website.
  2. Time. Most of our clients using Pro100 just don't have the time because of the nature of the business. Please allocate enough time at least 2-4 hours to complete the process. Windows updates can take longer to download depending on your internet connection speed.
  3. A full version of Windows, this is the installation media in ISO file or DVD form - not an upgrade version, please! Apple's new iMac comes without a built-in optical drive, the DVD form is not an option here.
  4. Download a copy of Windows 10 ISO and VMWare Fusion. Both companies provide 30 day trial or evaluation period prior to purchasing license, so you do not have to buy it right away. Notice USB 3.1 a.k.a. USB 3.1/gen2 doubles the transfer speed of USB 3.0 to 10Gbps. Please remember you will need to purchase license for VMware Fusion. Windows likes the one license on one computer rule, but we have heard customers use same license key from the host machine to install virtual machine without any issues. Otherwise you will need to purchase a new license.
  5. May be a cup of coffee. There will be idle time for it.

Parallels Desktop for Mac, or Apple's Boot Camp

To avoid any confusion here, virtualization is same thing as Parallels. Question here is; should you run Parallel a.k.a Virtualization or Apple's Boot Camp? Remember, when you use Windows in Boot Camp, you will be shutting down the Mac OS and rebooting your Mac into Windows.

This can be distruptive if you are a heavy Mac user. Apple's in-built Bootcamp installs Windows in dual-boot configuration. The entire process is no where close to rocket science.

Basically Boot Camp makes it possible to run both operating systems, but you can only use one at a time. Obviously this can be frustrating if you are a busy bee. Before we continue, try to understand how it works, because there are also some drawbacks to consider.

For instance, when using Boot Camp, you will need to re-partition your hard drive which will take up your available space. Also, in order to use Windows, you will need to reboot and if you need something on the Mac, you will reboot again. The main advantage is that you are running Windows directly on the hardware.

This is why we recommend Parallels Desktop. The integration with OS X runs well. Please note that if you are running an older Mac from 2009 or earlier, installation for Windows 8 will fail due to Apple's hardware requirements. Otherwise, you can follow detailed instructions directly from the Apple's website on how to do this.

Please feel free to contact Pro100usa support team for a walk through especially if you are new to all this. There is absolutely no reason to panic if you plan things. We are not responsible for the damage you cause to your computer if not done correctly.

Don't Forget VMware Tools!

It is very important that you install VMware Tools in the guest operating system. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by VMWare company. These features will enable full screen display and much more. We assume you need that.

Why do you we recommend VMWare company? Because it works.

Malware on the Mac: is it mostly hype or a real problem faced by real people? If you ask John Gruber, the answer might be the former—there are lots of proof-of-concept scenarios and virtually none that manifest themselves beyond a slow news day. If you ask Ed Bott, however, the answer would be the latter—he recently interviewed an AppleCare employee who claimed that the recent release of fake antivirus app 'MAC Defender' has caused a spike in malware reports among Mac users.


Parallels Desktop for Mac, or Apple's Boot Camp

To avoid any confusion here, virtualization is same thing as Parallels. Question here is; should you run Parallel a.k.a Virtualization or Apple's Boot Camp? Remember, when you use Windows in Boot Camp, you will be shutting down the Mac OS and rebooting your Mac into Windows.

This can be distruptive if you are a heavy Mac user. Apple's in-built Bootcamp installs Windows in dual-boot configuration. The entire process is no where close to rocket science.

Basically Boot Camp makes it possible to run both operating systems, but you can only use one at a time. Obviously this can be frustrating if you are a busy bee. Before we continue, try to understand how it works, because there are also some drawbacks to consider.

For instance, when using Boot Camp, you will need to re-partition your hard drive which will take up your available space. Also, in order to use Windows, you will need to reboot and if you need something on the Mac, you will reboot again. The main advantage is that you are running Windows directly on the hardware.

This is why we recommend Parallels Desktop. The integration with OS X runs well. Please note that if you are running an older Mac from 2009 or earlier, installation for Windows 8 will fail due to Apple's hardware requirements. Otherwise, you can follow detailed instructions directly from the Apple's website on how to do this.

Please feel free to contact Pro100usa support team for a walk through especially if you are new to all this. There is absolutely no reason to panic if you plan things. We are not responsible for the damage you cause to your computer if not done correctly.

Don't Forget VMware Tools!

It is very important that you install VMware Tools in the guest operating system. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by VMWare company. These features will enable full screen display and much more. We assume you need that.

Why do you we recommend VMWare company? Because it works.

Malware on the Mac: is it mostly hype or a real problem faced by real people? If you ask John Gruber, the answer might be the former—there are lots of proof-of-concept scenarios and virtually none that manifest themselves beyond a slow news day. If you ask Ed Bott, however, the answer would be the latter—he recently interviewed an AppleCare employee who claimed that the recent release of fake antivirus app 'MAC Defender' has caused a spike in malware reports among Mac users.

The truth is hard to tease out. Partly because Mac OS X still makes up a comparatively small percentage of the global OS market share, and partly because Apple itself is a secretive company, it's not easy to find out whether malware on the Mac is indeed becoming more common, or it's simply being reported on more often.

Still, we tried to do exactly that. Ars spoke with 14 different Mac support specialists—including several Apple Store Geniuses—in order to get a handle on whether things have changed when it comes to dealing with malware. Their experiences are all over the map, but the general consensus does seem to lean towards a low amount of malware problems—until you get to the Geniuses.

Not an epidemic?

Many third-party Mac support specialists told us that they had not seen a noticeable spike in malware issues on the Mac recently.

'The majority of Mac users I support are somewhat technical, but even the ones that aren't have been trained (by me) to be paranoid and come running to me if they're not sure about something,' longtime Ars forum member Comp Guru, also known as Sean Murphy, told Ars. 'MAC Defender is just like 'Security Center 2011' that plagues the Windows 7 users in my office, and a few have actually installed it. One came very close to paying the $85 to make the 'infections' and 'drive errors' go away. Luckily she came to me first and I removed it with Malwarebytes. On the Mac side I'm glad it's an easy-to-remove application if someone does happen to install it.'

'In the last 6 months, only one of my clients reported a possible malware [scenario]. I have consulted with other Apple services and the rate is basically the same: one or two people out of 750-1,000 in six months,' a Chile-based Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist named Pablo Toledo told Ars. 'Mac users here tend to be alert and informed, and only very basic users fall into the trap.'


Two out of a thousand in six months seems like a pretty good track record, but others claim to have never seen a single instance of malware on a Mac. Dr. schplots nanobots mac os.

'It certainly hasn't affected the fashion/casting/design/law offices I support, as nobody has made a peep about it. We have deployed the managed preference setting to turn off 'open safe files after downloading' by default for all computers we come into contact with, though,' Allister Banks from a consulting firm called POINT said. 'When it comes to average home users, the closest to malware I've ever seen is slight JavaScript tomfoolery when SEO people poison Google Image Search results. Sorry, zero evidence, anecdotal or otherwise.'

Northwestern University technical support consultant Adam Turetzky agreed. 'I've been a departmental user support and server admin at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL for 11 years. During that time I have not once seen a user's Macintosh infected with a virus or malware more serious than a Word macro virus (and I haven't seen one of those in a long time either),' Turetzky said. 'I currently support 42 users and administrate 50+ Macintoshes. Granted, my users are told not to install software on their workstations without consulting with me first, but they don't always obey the rules and even still we've had no instances of malware.'

Tom Bridge, a partner at a firm called Technolutionary, seemed to think that Mac users might be better at avoiding malware because of previous experiences on other platforms. 'We have yet to see a single one of the Macs we support be hit by MAC Defender or its like,' Bridge told Ars. 'We have clients that have been taken by these scams before on PCs, and perhaps they are just more well educated against this particular type of scam, but generally speaking, we're not seeing this here in the DC area.'

The Closet. Mac Os 11

MAC Defender worked on someone—actually, a few someones

Despite the numerous support and IT people we found to testify that malware—MAC Defender, Mac Security, Mac Protector, or any of its other knockoffs—isn't any more of a problem now than it has been in the past, we heard just the opposite from Apple store employees.


'MAC Defender has changed everything,' one Apple Store Genius, who requested to remain anonymous (we'll call him Lenny) told Ars. 'We probably get 3 or 4 people with this per day. Most of them only got as far as installing the program and haven't entered their credit card details.'

Lenny went on. 'This always sparks a debate at the bar on whether antivirus software is necessary on the Mac. This is difficult, as the store sells several antivirus products implying that Apple supports the idea, but as many customers point out, the sales guys aren't shy in making the claims for Mac OS X's security. Internally, Apple's [IT] department mandates the use of Norton Antivirus on company machines.'

Update: At least one other Genius has brought it to our attention that Lenny's claims about Norton Antivirus might not be 100 percent accurate. It's either a per-store policy (in which case, not all stores have this policy), or there's some confusion about an old policy about requiring Norton Antivirus on machines that had Boot Camp installed. He did say that Apple prefers Norton for antivirus solutions and has a company-wide license for it.

The Closet. Mac Os X

Update x2: We've had several other Apple Store employees now write in about the Norton Antivirus point, especially now after Gruber's new post. One former Genius writes, 'All back-of-house Retail machines are imaged using pre-configured images from Apple Corporate. Among the other applications that come as part of the image, Norton Antivirus and Timbuktu Pro are installed. However, most Geniuses create their own images to circumvent the Apple Corporate images and passwords, and because Apple Retail is the deal-with-the-devil arm of Apple Corporate, they turn a blind eye to whatever the Geniuses do. [..] Also, Apple Corporate employees have no idea what goes on in Apple Retail and vice versa.'

The Closet. Mac Os Catalina

A support specialist who we'll call Carl works at an Apple Authorized Campus Store and threw in his two cents as well. 'I have never had to remove a virus or malware from a Mac until this month,' Carl told Ars. 'Now we have had a handful of people come in with MAC Defender on their computer.'

And Apple Certified Mac Technician Kevin Copeland at BeachTec agreed. 'Since starting my own business in December 2009, the volume of repairs I deal with is a small fraction of the number of machines I saw while I was with Apple (I'm a small, one-man shop). But, anecdotally, I have to say that the MAC Defender trojan appears to have impacted more of the general Mac-using public than all the previous trojans I've dealt with. When I was seeing thousands of computers per year, I ran across maybe half a dozen trojans each year. Now that I'm seeing about two dozen computers per week, I've seen the MAC Defender trojan at least three times in as many weeks.'

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